
přeposílám zprávu od Rogera. Stručně řečeno, CSP poslalo do JHP školy dalších 3,500 USD, za ktere nainstalují vyvýšenou nerezovou nádrž na vodu (čerpanou ze studny), takže bude možné zřídit pořádné sprchy. Škola bude vymalována, vylepšena kuchyně, dokončeny dveře a police, opatřena fólie na izolaci chovného rybníka pro ryby.

Krejčovská třída bude podle Rogera nepochybně otevřena na jaře, rychlost záleží na tom, zda donorka Judy brzy poskytne slíbené peníze na šicí stroje – ale i kdyby je neposkytla, CSP nalezne peníze jinde.

Mějte se Marek

From: rgarms tds.net [mailto:rgarms@tds.net]
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 2:40 PM
To: spinka.marek; Sarith Ou
Subject: Re: Pictures

Dear Marek and Sarith, It is good to hear from you, Marek. Yes, it is very encouraging to see things progress. When the water tank is in, students will have a much easier time taking showers. Finishing the screened outdoor kitchen will improve their living situation, as will painting. We still have two computers to be transported from my house to there by the next people from here to visit.

As for the sewing class, I think we are about two weeks away. Our private donor for the sewing machines is Sarith s business partner. As I understand it, significant funds, enough to purchase machines and to add the small piece of land next to the school (for food production), will be donated within the next two weeks. I have met and talked with his partner, and you met her at the opening ceremony, and I think she will do this, but we do not yet have the money. If she does not come through, I will find another source right away. We are already selecting students and cannot wait much longer.

Sarith, please let us know a rough timetable for the sewing class. I hope we can start the class by the end of next month when you return to Cambodia after your visit here from March 20th to 30th. I do not know if that is realistic.

Marek, please tell your donors that whether or not Judy donates, we will have a sewing class this Spring. What did you think of the logo designs I sent you?


2012/3/1 spinka.marek <spinka.marek@vuzv.cz>

Dear Roger

It is very encouraging to see on the pictures how well is the school developing.

As I may recall from my previous mails, we will have a meeting with our supporters and friends next week Friday March 9. We will use the new pictures there. I was also wondering whether there are any news regarding the preparations for the sewing class. Should you have any information about that, please pass it to me.

Best regards

From: rgarms tds.net [mailto:rgarms@tds.net]
Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 11:12 PM
To: spinka.marek; Michael Pondělíček; Jan Pfeiffer
Subject: Pictures

Dear Marek, Jan and Michael,

Here are a couple of the pictures Sophat just sent. As you can see, both the garden and the computer classes are going well. We just sent Sarith $3,500 to finish screening and flooring the outdoor kitchen, putting in the water tank, getting a vinyl liner for a fish pond, finishing the doors and adding shelves, etc. So far, so good.
