Supporting the school in Cambodia

We introduce the activity of the JHP School Association supporting a school in Cambodia. Our project was launched in spring 2011. We had collected funds for the construction of the school , which started in summer. The building was ready in February 2012 and teaching started (see Photo Gallery). The main driver of the construction and operation of the school is our partner Cambodian School Project, mainly Sarith from Cambodia and Roger – Wisconsin, USA.

The school is a technical school for those who do not wish to go to high school. Students here can learn a trade that will allow them to open a small business in their village or find work in town. The school also provides micro-loans for students who finish the course and wish to become entrepreneurs. In the evening, the school serves as a dormitory for students from remote villages too far away to commute. The students themselves take care of the garden which significantly complements their eating at school.

You can look at two 6 minute videos – A Day in the Life of JHP Skola and The Students of JHP Škola. You can also read the biographies of nine students .

Every year the school provides education for about 40 students. The students are selected from the poorest families in the surrounding villages, so the school still needs regular annual support from our donors.

The school is named JHP school according to two remarkable people in the Czechia, Janka and Honza Pfeiffer, who mentored boy and girl scouts decades ago, during the repressive communist regime in Czechia. They provided a more complete and humanistic view of life, separately and secretly from the empty propaganda the children were being taught in the public schools at that time. We, former scouts, now in our 50’s, have funded the building of the school to memorialize our beloved benefactors, the Janka Honza couple.

The school is at Puok village near town Siem Reap (GPS 13.440650N, 103.738414E).

In case you would like to join us in supporting the operation of the school, the bank account number is here or you can contact us at or