From: rgarms []
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:44 PM
To: spinka.marek; Stephen Strange
Subject: Finances

Hi Marek and Steve,

Just talked with Sarith. He is at the JHP school every day. They are finishing the walls and will be doing the floor. As soon as that is done, it will be usable for classes. Some of the fill has been delivered, but the back-hoe broke so there will be a delay with getting the rest. That will not keep the school from opening. We will, however, need more fill than he thought.

He hopes to have the computer class and an English class running by the time Marek and I get there. We hope to have introductory classes with the computers when the volunteers who are transporting them get there early in January. Our plan is for 15 computer students, all of whom will also have the English class. Any of the orphans who wish will also be able to attend the English class. Once we get this going, he will work on the cooking class.

In terms of budget, costs will be lower for the first quarter because we are getting a late start and we are starting with just one class. He thinks some of the $4,000 Marek is raising might not be needed right away and could be used in the second quarter. We have budgeted $4,000 in CSP funds for the third quarter, so we are looking pretty good for an operating budget. And here is some good news. He took some visitors who are part of his private farm project out to see the new school and then to the orphanage. They, like the first group he showed around, donated $1,000 to the orphanage. That makes $2,000 Sarith has raised that has gone to the orphanage. Both donors were very impressed with the JHP Skola idea and the building. I think once we are up and running visitors will donate to our school.

Marek, Sarith said he would send you some pictures. It doesnt look much different from when Michael was there, but they are working every day and Sarith is there to urge them on. Please let supporters know that this will get done and once it is the school should be able to raise some money itself through local donations. Thank you for your work on this.

Steve, Sarith said he will email you and I with what is owed at Poum Steung and the English teacher salaries for the rest of 2012. Then we can send this along with the bicycle money already allocated. Thanks for getting the budgeting process working more efficiently.

Regards to you both,